Deeply enchanting and highly provocative alternative rock crew, KING OF THE DEAD, return with the next installment in their saga. The devilish posse set loose their spellbinding new EP, Perdition, this Spring. Before then, KING OF THE DEAD have revealed their hugely magnetic new single and video, When It All Comes Down.

KING OF THE DEAD are a band who are fearless, bold and audacious. The mysterious and intriguing darkly rock combo are a celebration of the macabre and the bizarre. The band’s sophomore EP is a continuation of their much-acclaimed debut, The Summoning, which procured the support of Kerrang Radio, Powerplay Magazine, Primordial Radio, and many notable independent tastemakers. KING OF THE DEAD’s brand-new alluring horror rock EP is more theatrical, ambitious, and menacing than their debut. In their growth as a band, they have traversed new horizons that have only added to their fascinating sonic landscape, aided by the shrewd craftmanship of renowned producer Lasse Lammert. The record (along with its accompanying comic book) has a creative narrative that spans millennia, based around a story of love and betrayal centered around three gripping characters who are inextricably connected across time. Each song details how their joined fates will break them down and remould them in the unholy image of the cursed world they inhabit, their paths converging in the EP’s namesake: Perdition.

The band’s first offering from the EP is the single, When It All Comes Down, which features guest organ work by Alestorm’s Elliot Vernon. This compelling track is KOTD’s own take on 70’s radio rock melded with an infectious punk twist, rounded off with a driving riff and monstrous refrain. The cut is whole-heartedly ripe for radio and is highly indicative of what’s to come from KING OF THE DEAD.

EP Track listing: 1.The Sermon For The Cursed, 2. The Hunt, 3. Courage, 4. Who’s Left To Blame,

 5. Crawl, 6. When It All Comes Down.

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