ANCIENT SETTLERS release their animated short sci-fi video for new single Cast In Gold, out now on Crusader Records. Watch it here.
Cast in Gold is the 3rd single from international technical modern melodic death metal outfit ANCIENT SETTLERS. Here, the power of the band turns to a set of spiritual melodies and speed. Sonically, the track starts with a modern synthesizer, before moving into catchy guitar riffs with plenty of harmonies, accompanied by a cohesive drums section, rumbling bass guitar and deep, clean vocals.
Cast in Gold is out now digitally across all platforms along with an accompanying video, and is the follow up to recent singles Into The Depths I Ride and Library Of Tears. Cast in Gold was also produced by the legendary Fredrik Nordstrom.
ANCIENT SETTLERS was founded in 2020 by Carlos Chiesa-Estomba & Herman Riera (former Haboryn), Rene González (former Aesthesis), Emmy Reyes (Blackbeer, former Gamalyel), and Antony Hämäläinen (Meridian Dawn, former Nightrage & Armageddon), a group of musicians with more than fifteen-years of experience in the European and American metal circuit.
Listen/Buy ‘Cast In Gold’ HERE